Thursday, March 18, 2010

Random Trip w/ Stay Cool, this day.

Our guitarist, he got the blast for physic, good damn

This shock-drummer got his shock treatment by doing the task

@ Raminten. Nyusu putih mulus. Slurrrp.

Masih nyusu, masih mantap

Our vocalist, Tetya, got her chicken as lunch. Not the living one.

  Rubic closed this day. What a great day. See ya!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

14.49. Pikiran Acak, Mood Acak.

Something to tell about, it's about 15 days to go before UAN. Saya siap, semua udah dipelajari, udah mantep, dan tinggal Tuhan yg nentuin jalan gue. Semoga selaras dengan pikiran gue, yaitu masuk SMA 3 Yogyakarta, amin.

Tapi juga ga itu doang, ini juga tentang gue. Jakarta or Jogja, masih dipertimbangkan. Di sini, di Jogja, udah tentram banget. Sayang, gue belum menemukan orang yg bener-bener bisa pas dengan pikiran, kelakuan, & tingkah gue. Dan lo tau? Beberapa orang di sekitar gue banyak yg ga suka dengan gue. Gue tau, man with haters is ordinary, but without them is impossible.

Dan tentang Jakarta, I've already had people I know. Bimbang. Apa gue harus meninggalkan Jogja cuman gara-gara belum ketemu orang yg se-iya sama gue?

It's something to think about. Dan alesan gue nulis ini cukup simple, problem cinta.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Good News from The Santa's Door!

I post this in my room, waiting the announcement of Province Exam Result from Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Yogyakarta (Education Minister of Yogyakarta Province). 
Ah wait, it's been a while. I had got the result yesterday, & I jumped extremely that I knew if I'm the 3rd rank from 40.000 students in Yogyakarta. Happy, yes. I just hope that everything walks smoothly, like this, like something I've been waiting for. Thank God, you're the best, and also this is one of your best gifts.
And if you wanna check Yogyakarta Province Exam Result, please link to pass: media18. Choose the province part.

And now, I'm waiting my sun comes again, that will bring me to the near dreams.

Valentino A. Adinata

Thursday, March 4, 2010

13 February - 4 March. Feels like UAN almost comes

Yep I haven't been blogging from 13 February - 4 March, busy doing many tasks & preparing UAN. Yep, it almost comes, 3 weeks to go..

And for info, at 15 - 19 February I did my first pre-UAN. But hell, it just unexpected, I didn't successed on it. Well, I guess I'm just unlucky, but I'll prove if I'm the number one. And I need your support too guys, pray for me!